Pinnacle Mountain Fish and Game Club, Inc. [home page] [members page]
Back Calendar of Events - 2024 - August Next
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
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Trap1000: Regular Trap Session - Public Welcome
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Trap1600: Regular Trap Session Public Welcome
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Trap1000: Regular Trap Session - Public Welcome
Monthly Meeting1900: Dinner
2000: Meeting
Trap1600: Regular Trap Session Public Welcome
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Incendiary RoundsTracer, Dragon's Breath and other Incendiary Rounds ARE NOT allowed on the property. It's a fire hazard. We really should not have to spell this out.
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Work Party Ranges closed0800-1200: Meet at clubhouse, sign attendance sheet, bring gloves, brush loppers/saws
High Power ShootTrap Rained out. Rescheduled to 8/25
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Trap1600: Regular Trap Session Public Welcome
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High Power Shoot0800-1400: High Power NRA Match - 300 yards - $20 Fee
No TrapNo Trap due to High Power reschedule
BoD Meeting1900: Board of Directors Meeting
Trap1600: Regular Trap Session Public Welcome
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Mailing listPlease opt into the mailing list. See the email with the Subject:

Request to join mailing list
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Pinnacle Mountain Fish and Game Club, Inc. [home page]